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RCS CBA Board Election

Call for Nominations!


The RCS Community Business Association (RCS CBA) needs you! Between October 21 and November 15, 2019 RCS CBA’s Board of Directors is seeking qualified candidates to fill important Board roles including Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and no more than five Directors at Large. A description of these positions can be found below.


Nomination Process

The nomination process is outlined in RCS CBA’s bylaws. To ensure a smooth nomination process and a strong slate of nominees, RCS CBA’s acting chair, Aaron Flach, has appointed Director Pam Garrison, Ravena Branch Manager, The Bank of Greene County, and Director Marlene McTique, Multi-Media Consultant, Columbia Greene Media, to serve as co-chairs of the Nominations Committee. During the nominations process, Pam and Marlene will help identify qualified candidates to run RCS CBA for the next fiscal year and beyond. 


When the call for nominations closes on November 15,  the Nominations Committee will provide the RCS CBA Board of Directors with a slate of candidates for approval. Once accepted by the Board, the slate will be voted on via electronic poll by dues paying members beginning November 22. The poll will close on December 6 and the results announced at our December 12 holiday mixer to be held at Yanni’s Too Restaurant. The newly elected board’s term will begin January 1. 


The RCSCBA Nominations Committee is currently soliciting candidates for the following Board positions:


  • Chair - The Chair will preside at all meetings of RCSCBA and the Board of Directors and perform all duties assigned by the Board of Directors. The Chair will, with advice and counsel by the entire Board of Directors, appoint all committees and committee chairs. The Chair is authorized to sign any contracts or other instruments the Board has duly and lawfully authorized to be executed. The Chair will have a one (1) year term that may be renewed for one (1) additional year.

  • Vice Chairman/Chairman of the Board-Elect –  The Vice Chair shall exercise the powers and authority to perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or disability of the Chair. In the event of the Chair’s resignation or inability to serve, the Vice Chair shall complete his or her term as Chair. The Vice Chair will have a one (1) year term that may be renewed for one (1) year.


  • Treasurer – The Treasurer will be responsible for the supervision of an account of all monies received or expended by RCSCBA and shall keep the Board informed on all pertinent financial matters. The Treasurer will provide a financial report at all regular meetings of the Board of Directors in a format prescribed by the Board; will serve as the Board’s liaison with an independent auditor as needed; and will serve as a member of the Finance Committee and Audit Committee (when an audit is required by Federal or State law or recommended by the Board of Directors). In general, the Treasurer will perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chair or the Board of Directors. The term of office is one (1) year that may be renewed for two (2) additional years.


  • Director At Large - Directors at Large support the general activities of the organization and undertake committee assignments and other tasks assigned to him/her by the Chair or the Board of Directors. The term of office is for two (2) years that may be renewed for two (2) additional terms of two (2) years.

Board Commitment

Before submitting a nomination application, please review the qualifications and responsibilities below and confirm your ability to make the necessary commitment.


Ideal candidates will possess the following qualifications:

  • Support from employer/colleagues for the time required to attend an hour-long Board Meeting each month.

  • Ability to spend 6 hours per month on Board/Committee activities outside of the monthly meetings, including completing assignments that have been given to Board members.

  • Willingness to wear an “industry hat” (to contribute beyond personal business interests for the good of the membership and the community).

  • Creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Ability to act with integrity and make decisions – financial and otherwise – for the good of RCS CBA.

  • Willingness to recruit new members. 

  • Willingness to actively promote RCS CBA as a vital contributor to community development. 

  • Availability to attend at least half of RCS CBA’s events, including our monthly business breakfasts and evening mixers.


The RCS CBA Board of Directors is responsible for:

  • The business affairs of RCS CBA, including financial reporting.
  • Providing guidance on the strategic direction and programs of the association.

  • Build membership of RCS CBA.

  • Identifying and grooming future Board members.

  • Promoting consensus, cooperation, and participation among all members at every level.

  • Setting the policy and direction for the association.


Expense Reimbursement 

Directors serve at their own expense and are expected to assume the cost of membership dues and event registration fees. 


Next Steps

Interested nominees should complete and submit a Nomination Application by close of business on November 15, 2019 Applications will be accepted by US Mail, e-mail or in-person as follows:


In-Person or email:


Pam Garrison 

Ravena Branch Manager

The Bank of Greene County

2494 US Route 9W*

Ravena, NY 12143



US Mail or email:


Marlene McTigue

Multi-Media Consultant

Columbia Greene Media

448 Lindskoog Rd

Coeymans, NY 12046




Questions can be directed to Pam and Marlene at the contact information above.


* Please note Pam cannot receive US mail at this address.

Nomination Application

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