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RCS CBA creates Economic Development Advisory Committee

After several events this spring and summer featuring economic development professionals from around the region your RCS CBA is launching an advisory committee to spearhead development efforts in our community. RCS CBA Chair George McHugh attended the Town Board meeting on Thursday, September 13 to announce the formation of our Economic Development Advisory Committee. He followed up with an email to town and village officials asking them to designate someone to serve on this committee. George's email to village and town officials explains the purpose of the committee: "I am contacting each of you to inform you that the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Community Business Association (RCS CBA) is forming a volunteer Economic Development Advisory Committee, made up of Business Leaders and Government/Public Sector Leaders, within the greater RCS area.  It is envisioned that this committee’s purpose would be to provide advice and ideas to our local leadership, on viable courses of action to revitalize economic development in the RCS business districts.  This may include topics such as attracting new businesses to the area, maximizing the potential for business already located in the RCS districts, identifying shovel ready sites, and exploring possible grants as well as economic development incentives, just to name a few.  The RCS CBA Board of Directors would like to extend an invitation to each of you, to participate and take an active role on this committee.  Ideally, we would like one member of each of your respective boards, or someone within your organization, to be designated as a member of this committee.  This way, we would have the perspective of the County, Town, Village, School District and Local Businesses as they work to formulate ideas." The Town of Coeymans has designated Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer John Cashin as its representative. The Village of Ravena appointed Trustee Linda Muller to the committee. RCS CBA is seeking business leaders to participate on this Economic Development Advisory Committee. If you are passionate about Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk and want to see job creation, more activity on our thoroughfares and other indicators of economic health, please volunteer for this committee. Contact Chair George McHugh to express your interest at

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